Saturday, April 13, 2013

New Exhibition

Opening Thursday 18.4.13 at 19:00
'8 in Jafa' Ceramic Gallery
Rabi Pinchas 13, flea market, Jafa


Also on Etsy
(you can click on my 'store' category above to enter)   

New! – Greeting Cards

Based on my mothers paintings, Grace Stern – new, beautiful and inspiring  
greeting cards. Can be purchased on my store on Etsy

The New Studio - Har Amasa

On January we packed our home and studio at Motza and moved south to Har Amasa, to begin a new chapter in our lives. It is a beautiful, peaceful and challenging place on the edge of the desert. It is taking us some time to settle but we are happy.

These are first pictures of the new studio & Gallery.